Welcome to “The Bachelorette” Fantasy League, Season 11

So you want to create a fantasy league for Andi’s season? You’ve come to the right place.

We’ll do all the grunt work and score each episode for you. Read on for instructions on how to draft, how we score, and how to find out if you’re kicking everyone’s butts.

How It Works

1) Recruit a group of “Bachelorette”-loving friends. One of you should be the League Commissioner, the go-to person for all things Bach Fantasy.

2) Figure out the best way for your league to draft contestants (read more on that below) and submit your contestant picks to your league commissioner.

3) Watch the “Bachelorette” every Monday night, beginning May 19.

4) Visit this blog every Tuesday morning to see how each of your contestants scored. The league commissioner should add up the point totals for each team in order to figure out the weekly rankings.

The Draft

You have a few options when it comes to drafting your team of five contestants.

1) Live draft in person

Gather up your nearest and dearest, DVR “The Bachelorette,” and watch the show up through the last limo introductions. At this point, pause the show. Have each player draft their 5 contestants on a piece of paper and turn them into the commissioner.

2) Virtual live draft

So your teammates all live in different time zones, eh? We feel your pain, as we’re all spread across the continent too. For this to work, everyone should watch the show in his or her respective homes. Pause after limo introductions, before the real shenanigans begin. Email your appointed league commissioner with your five contestants.

3) Pre-show draft, based on contestants’ bios

Read through the contestants’ bios. It’s a treasure trove. Select your five players and email your league commissioner.

Points Categories

You’ll be rewarded for drafting bold contestants but more so for drafting contestants who go the distance. Points are divided into Phrases, Actions, and Roses.

We’re still looking for a write-in points category suggestion, so please leave us a comment if you’ve got a great idea for a points category.


  • Talking about his parents’ relationship (5 points)
  • Talking about his kid (5 points)
  • Mentioning a deceased loved one (10 points)
  • Talking about an ex-fiance or ex-wife (10 points)
  • Saying “I’m not here to make friends” (20 points)
  • Saying “I’m falling for you” to Andi or “I’m falling for her” to the camera (20 points)
  • Saying “I love you” to Andi (30 points)
  • Telling Andi that someone in the house “is not here for the right reasons” (30 points)


  • Interrupting someone’s one-on-one time (5 points)
  • Bonus: using the phrase “steal Andi away” during said interruption (5 points)
  • Dancing at a concert (5 points)
  • Singing/playing an instrument for Andi (5 points)
  • Hot tubbing (5 points)
  • Giving the Bachelor/ette a gift (5 points)
  • Going on a picnic (5 points)
    • Must be sitting on the ground
  • Riding in a helicopter (10 points)
  • Kissing Andi on the lips (10 points)
  • Appearing visibly drunk (15 points)
  • Needing medical attention at any point (20 points)
  • Crying on camera (25 points)
    • Must actually see moisture fall
  • Having a secret girlfriend at home (25 points)
  • Having a body part blurred out any point (30 points)
    • Only for nudity; having your mouth blurred for profanity doesn’t count
  • Leaving the show early on his own accord (30 points)
  • Drafting the next Bachelor on your team (40 points)
  • Coming back to the show to beg for another chance (50 points)


  • Getting the First Impression Rose (35 points, only available first night)
  • Being selected to go on a group date (10 points)
  • Being selected to go on a one-on-one date (20 points)
  • Getting the rose to stay another week (25 points)
  • Getting the rose on a group date (30 points)
  • Getting the rose on a two-on-one date (40 points)
  • Making it to Hometown Dates (50 points)
  • Accepting the Fantasy Suite (75 points)
  • Refusing the Fantasy Suite (-75 points)
  • Winning the Final Rose (100 points)


We’ll score each episode for you and post each contestant’s scores every Tuesday morning. Be sure to check back every Tuesday to see how your teams are stacking up against one another! We’ll also be posting an episode recap for those of you can’t get enough Bach.

Will you be joining us this season? Let us know your league or individual team name in the comments!

P.S. We’d love it if you signed up to get an email every time we post! You’re swell.

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22 thoughts on “Welcome to “The Bachelorette” Fantasy League, Season 11

  1. Sarah Shelton says:

    I’m so impressed. You guys deserve to have Chris Harrison come to your house and bust up your viewing party on one of those specials. :)

  2. Jess E says:

    I’m using this draft at work! There are going to be about 40 of us using your scoring system so thank you so much for posting this!! :)

  3. Jill says:

    We’re using your rules for our office league as well – this is SO great! Thank you!

  4. Holly says:

    We’ve got a league at work called IsssOkayAndi! Using your scoring system for points.

    • Bach Fantasy says:

      Love the name! Thank you for playing along with us! Might we recommend as a prize that the losers take the winner to lunch at the end of the season?

  5. jamiephin says:

    So excited for this season!

    League name: TT city

  6. Amanda Lee says:

    Hello! I’ll be using your points system for my own Bachelorette Fantasy Pool! Do you post or send out who gets what points based on your scoring system? I head to Brazil for three weeks during the season, so it’d be awesome if I could get a list of who to allocate what amount of points to while I’m gone!! Thanks!

  7. Dee says:

    Can’t wait for the kick off tonight!!

  8. Erica says:

    We’re using this for the league I am running at work! We have 8 people divided into 4 teams of 2. We did our draft last Friday based on the bios. Every team drafted 12 guys (each guy could be drafted twice and then they were no longer eligible). The team names are Ees NOT Okay; Guard & Protect Your Heart; If It Doesn’t Work Out, There’s Always Bachelor Pad; and In It For The Right Reasons. Everyone is getting extremely competitive already.

    • Bach Fantasy says:

      “Guard and protect your heart” is a throwback of which I adamantly approve. Excellent job on all the team names and on making the league your own. Good luck!

  9. Nicole says:

    So does the League Commissioner really run the whole thing and assign points for their own teams? I don’t see a place to actually sign up our league. Thanks for the help!

    • Bach Fantasy says:

      Hi Nicole. Good question. We take care of scoring each episode and post on Tuesday mornings the total amount of points each contestant earned the night before. Your league commissioner is in charge of tallying the total points for each member of your league according to who each of you drafted. Your total points for the week is the sum of all the points your draft picks earned. We keep track of our own league standings in a Google spreadsheet so everyone can check the scoreboard whenever they want. Good luck this season! And, let us know if we can answer anything else for you.

  10. Adrienne says:

    Can’t wait to roll this out with my viewing crew! I’ve got my Bachelorette Bingo and Trivia ready as well – happy to share!

  11. Kristen says:

    We’re following your point system in our league. We have 14 teams, and we are all so excited to be doing this. Thank you so much! #cookiesandmilk

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