Bach Fantasy

Introducing (Optional) “Women Tell All” Special Points Categories


Based on popular opinion from last season, we’re going to score the “Women Tell All” episode this year. It’s completely optional, so if you decide not to award these points in your league, ain’t no thang.

We’ve decided to only award points to the contestants belonging to each team AFTER the mid-season draft. Some of you pointed out that it seems like we’re punishing people who drafted well (i.e. have Whitney and Becca remaining on their teams and thus don’t have an opportunity to score as many points in the Women Tell All). We’re actually hoping that this gives teams who aren’t doing as well a chance to catch up and make the finale even more exciting in your leagues.

If you disagree, feel free to award points to the original teams you drafted. Talk to your commissioner and just make sure you’re all on the same page.

Onto the fun stuff!

Y’all submitted some terrific points categories. We culled through the list and pulled out our favorites. Here’s what we’ll be scoring during the Women Tell All (in addition to the regular points):

No wildcard points for this episode. Good luck!

