Bach Fantasy

Season 18, Episode 10: Points


Well, folks, we made it to the end of the season for Bach Fantasy, and what a doozy it was. JP started out so promising but he fizzled early and hard. Anyone else cheer at the TV when Clare said, “I would never want my kids to have someone like you as a father”?  We don’t fault him for not proposing at the end if he wasn’t feeling it, but like Sean’s wife Catherine said in the After the Final Rose ceremony: Don’t bite the hand that fed you, Juannie P.  And quit sassin’ Chris Harrison. A little class, humility, and tact go a long way. This Bachelor was sorely lacking in all three categories. We’re not sorry to see JP go.

Onto greener pastures! Go ahead and give yourself 40 points if you drafted Andi this season because she is the next Bachelorette!

Stay tuned for our recap of the finale and a bonus post asking you to help us brainstorm new categories for Andi’s season, premiering in May. Thank you so much for following along with us this season and being patient with our technical errors. If you enjoyed this league, please tell your friends and family! We have even bigger things in store for Andi’s season.

– J, K, and B

Who won your league? Let us know in the comments!

