Season 20: Episode 10 Women Tell All

Ah, the Women Tell All, we’ve missed you. So many almost-tears, so many non-apologies. Side note: how do you get to be in the studio audience? We want in. Chris Harrison, call us. Also, that Blooper Reel is the stuff dreams are made of. Why don’t they include more of those moments on the show itself? JoJo was gold in that blooper reel. If she doesn’t win this season, I hope she’s the next Bachelorette. (Don’t even come at me with these Caila rumors. I’m not really digging it.)

Also! We didn’t award points when they rolled clips from the past season, except for the Blooper Reel.

Lastly, for the finale next Monday, tweet us a photo of your viewing party and hashtag it #BachFantasyViewingParty. We’ll be retweeting a bunch of the photos next Monday.