Category Archives: Uncategorized

Revised Excel doc – Coming soon!

Hi Friends –

Sincere apologies on the delay with the revised Excel scoring template. To those of you who have generously offered solutions in the comments – thank you! I will post a revised doc that will allow for mid-season changes by tomorrow night. It’s been a busy few weeks, but we promise this has not fallen off our radar!


Jorie and Becca

Updated Scoresheet

Hi friends –

We apologize for all the confusion around the scoresheet. We had updated the file in our original post with the error-free version, but did not publicize that well enough. Super duper sorry about that.

Please use the attached scoresheet for the most up to date version. If you’ve already entered your league members teams and last night’s points in the original one, simply copy and paste those values into this new doc.

Again, so sorry about the confusion! We love you and never meant to cause you any Excel-based stress. That’s not what you come here for. Bless.

BachFantasy Score sheet- Season 20 – Ben v2

Becca and Jorie